16 August 2016
If your company is facing its first layoff, the process can be stressful and worrisome. As a business owner, there are many things you need to think about during this process to protect both you and your company. For example, one common concern during layoffs is the risk of increased worker's compensation claims. When employees think they may have no job to come back to soon, they're less likely to dismiss smaller discomforts and may exaggerate problems in an effort to seek worker's compensation benefits to help close the financial gap.
4 August 2016
Choosing the right life insurance plan is important. This is money that will be paid by an insurer to your beneficiaries when you die. If you have family that you want to leave financially protected when you die, you should strongly consider getting life insurance. However, you will want to rely on specific tips that can make doing so much more useful for you. Tip #1: Know your needs It's a great idea to sit down and figure out how much life insurance you will need to purchase.
8 April 2016
Many people automatically envision car insurance when the conversation turns to personal vehicle coverage, and rightly so. But if you're the adventurous type who is always seeking new, fun ways to explore your world, who may have other vehicles in your stable than the traditional car, truck or minivan. The smartest approach is to make sure you've got the right kind of coverage for the right conveyance no matter what you happen to be riding or driving.